Suverän liten bild jag hittade på min mammas kylskåp. Kan du gissa vilken Bhagavad Gita-vers jag kom att tänka på?
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Srila Sridhara Maharaj on the education system / Srila Sridhara Maharaj om utbildningssystemet

Student: I have finished my studies and now I am taking a break, a
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: Please don't take offense, but that you are
involved in the present system of education means that you are diving
deeply in the ocean of ignorance. You are making progress in the
ocean of ignorance.
Student: What do you mean by that?
Srila Sridhar Maharaj: As a student of nescience you are moving in
the opposite direction from truth. You are being taught that you and
other souls of your type are the subjects - the center of the universe -
and everything, all else, is an object meant only for your exploitation.
You are being taught that we are exploiters and that the entire
environment is for our exploitation. That is the foundation upon which
the present system of education is based - a conception which is
completely false...
Friday, August 28, 2009
Party with Krishna / Festa med Krishna
Nu är halva gänget av oss iväg ute i en skog långt härifrån och kokar mat åt hungriga festivaldeltagare.
Andra hälften är kvar i stan och håller igång verksamheten i Nimaihuset.
Sååå ... imorgon lördag är ni alla välkomna till oss för att festa loss!
Musikmeditation, föredrag och vegetarisk festmåltid.
Jao, hoppas vi ses så ska ni får smaka på en god bit av hårt arbete från vår odling i Kungsbacka.
Kl. 17.00
Hitta hit
At the moment one half of our group have gone to a far away forest to cook food for hungry festival participants.
The other half are still in the city and keeping the activities alive at the Nimaihouse.
Soo ... you are all welcome to party with us tomorrow, saturday!
Musicmeditation, lecture, vegetarian feast.
Jao, we hope to see YOU and we promise you to taste a piece of labour from our organic farm in Kungsbacka.
5 p.m.
Find us here
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Pearls in the stream / Pärlor i strömmen

English: A couple of weeks ago something wondrous happened. A few people every day comes in through the door of Nimaihuset, and this was extra special. It was a girl from Canada (in black vest and white sleeves on the picture above) who had the same Guru as we have, which makes her our sister, yoga-sister so to speak. At her initiation she had been given the name Goloka Vrindavan devi dasi. Goloka Vrindavan is the place in the spiritual world where you can be the most intimate with God. Our new found sister is in Europe to study, and we hope to see her soon again. A common friend, Dorna (the girl in orange t-shirt on the picture), brought her here. Dorna met Goloka in Peru where they both volunteered on the organic farm, Eco Truly Park.
Svenska: För ett par veckor sedan hände något speciellt. Några få kommer varje dag in genom Nimaihusets dörr, men detta var något extra. Det var en tjej från Kanada (i svart linne och vita ärmar på bilden ovan) som hade samma Guru som vi har, vilket gör henne till vår syster, yoga-syster så att säga. Vid hennes initiering hade hon fått namnet Goloka Vrindavan devi dasi. Goloka Vrindavan är platsen i den andliga världen där man kan vara som mest intim med Gud. Vår nyfunna syster är i Europa för att studera, och vi hoppas på att få se henne snart igen. En gemensam vän, Dorna (tjejen i orange t-shirt på bilden), tog hit henne. Dorna träffade Goloka i Peru där de båda volontärade på den ekologiska parken, Eco Truly Park.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunny days in Flunsan / Soliga dagar i Flunsan

English: In the weekend there was an environment festival in Flunsåsparken, Hisingen island, Gothenburg, as we mentioned a few days ago.
Svenska: I helgen var det en miljöfestival i Flunsåsparken på Hisingen i Göteborg, som vi nämnde för några dagar sedan.

Vasudeva making a price table./
Vasudeva skriver en pristavla.

The vegan kitchen of the Spoonrevolution.


Delcicious plates / Läckra tallrikar

One spoon for the love / En sked för kärleken
Vasudeva was one of the hosts for the festival./
Vasudeva var en av festivalens konferiencärer.

Vasudeva interviewing a princess of the Maories, the natives of New Zealand.
Vasudeva intervjuade en prinsessa från Nya Zealands usprungsbefolkning, maorierna.

Sitting in the box, thinking outside the box./
Gumman i lådan, som tänker utanför lådan.

Skivomslag? / Record cover?

Makhan chor, the beardy and happy chef.

The Spoonrevolution became honorable members of Project Save The Earth, the organisation that arranged the festival./
Skedrevolutionen blev hedersmedlemmar i Project Save the Earth, organisationen som arrangerade festivalen.

Shyamananda rapping / Rappande Shyamananda

Vasudeva putting up Oki posters / Vasudeva sätter upp Oki-affischer
Oki is the maskot of the Spoonrevolution, the vegetarian revolution./
Oki är Skedrevolutionens, den vegetariska revolutionens maskot.

Voluntary laddu eaters / Frivilliga laddu-ätare.


Sudarshan (in shirt with stripes) came full of inspiration from reading the Uddhava Gita.
Sudarshan (i tröja med ränder) kom full av inspiration från läsandet av Uddhava Gita.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Environment festival / Miljöfest

Eng: This weekend we will serve food and inform about the Spoonrevolution at an environment festival in Hisingen, Gothenburg. If you want information about how to get there and you don't speak swedish, leave a comment. So, our saturday feast is moved there. :)
Sve: Denna helg kommer vi servera mat och informera om Skedrevolutionen på en miljöfestival ute på Hisingen, Göteborg. Info: Så lördagsfesten är flyttad dit. :)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The big day of Krishna / Krishnas stora dag

English: A poster in the ocean of others, but the most unique./
Svenska: En affisch i oceanen av andra, men den mest unika.
Krishnas altar/altare

Tulasi performed the arati ceremony and offered the 108 dishes, cooked by us and the guests./
Tulasi utförde arati-ceremonin och offrade de 108 maträtterna, som lagats av oss och gästerna.

All guests could touch the fire from the ceremony and thus get blessings./
Alla gäster fick röra vid elden från ceremonin och på så vis välsignas.

Theatre with/teater med Srimati, Shyamananda och Radha Kunja-Bihari.

Vasudeva gave a lecture about Krishna and Srila Prabhupada, since we also celebrated the birthday of the latter./
Vasudeva höll föredrag om Krishna och Srila Prabhupada, då vi även firade den sistnämndes födelsedag samtidigt.

Ananda read beatiful spiritual poems./
Ananda läste vackra andliga dikter.

Rap-performance with/med me (Shyamananda).

My (Shyamanandas) brother came to visit./
Min (Shyamanandas) bror kom på besök.

Makhanchor, a bit exhausted after a day of cooking./
Makhanchor, något sliten efter en dag i köket.

A real harrastelijavalokuvaaja, with socks matching the steps./
En tvättäkta harrastelijavalokuvaaja, med sockar som matchar trappstegen.

Late discussions / Sena diskussioner
Friday, August 14, 2009
The advent of the truth

Today is the day on which we celebrate the advent of Lord Krishna to this world. Tomorrow we will have the party for the public and once again you are invited 17:oo to Nimahuset with some flowers or fruits. Read more here about the advent of Lord Krishna :)
Below I post some pictures from our last days in the farm. Imlitala farm is becoming soooo nice and sweet and it is a blessing to just be there not to speak about the pleasure of working there as you can see on the pics :)

After tasting these cucumbers I am convinced i have never eaten real cucumbers before

These beans are so nice, they melt like butter in the mouth.

Fresh salad directly from the garden

Ellinor with the most tasty tomatoes you can imagine

This beautiful machine is completely transcendental since every vegetable grown in Imlitala is offered to the Absolute truth Sri Krishna!

"Working hard like an ass, for nothing more but grass" is a saying that is not valid in this case. The grass is to be used in loving service to Mother Earth and Krishna. With the grass we cover the earth so that she will not freeze too much during the winter and all the worms will be very happy...

This is Makhanchor, then man behind the camera that takes all the nice pictures

Happy Sadhu with a hard work trident. This trident represents working hard for a good cause.
(picture borrowed from internet) A sadhu with a another trident. The trident represents that he is a Shiva devotee.

Amy, otherwise an active activist for Greenpeace, in full action...

Deeply absorbed in the service

André and Amy on an adventurous journey back with the collected grass

Radha Kunjabihari with the nectarean berries of the garden :)

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Here Shyamananda is demonstrating how you will look like if you play too much videogames.
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