
Saturday, March 14, 2020

Seeking refuge in the holy names

The inspiration to sing God's names, and to seek refuge in this way, is a tradition that has emerged time and again in humanity, and has been emphasized time and again, to take refuge in the sacred names.

And with what attitude? With loving devotion, what else could it be? With loving and willing attention.

And this attitude is called aradhana. That is why this devotion is particularly attributed to its origin, and that is Radha, from whom aradhana comes. And in her we find the enthusiasm, for the devotion, for seeking refuge.

Aradhana gives us the strength to make humble calls for spiritual help. Because if you don't make humble calls, that means you feel you don't need it, that you are above it. But when you are stuck deep in the mud, and have lost your hope, then only these calls, these requests for mercy, are what can help you further.

– Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti (translated from German)

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