
Sunday, September 5, 2010

Krishnas födelsedag/birthday

Here you see Sri Krishna and Srimati Radharani dancing in the kirtan.

Ananda Premdasi enthusing everyone with her beautiful kirtans and bhajans. She also made all the guitarplayers envious when she played the sitar as if Goddess Saraswati herself incarnated on the strings...

Sripad Bhakti Abhay Shridhar Maharaj spoke about Lord Krishnas appearance and how he blesses his devotees.

This is the abhishek, where Makhan Chor (Krishna) is being bathed with yoghurt, mangopulp, milk, rosewater and honey. Its a great opportunity for everyone to participate in devotional activities. Such activities purify our hearts and makes us soft. And makes us dance...

Naturally the Krishna-monks, the Krishna-friends and the Hindus love to dance and sing to celebrate Lord Krishna. Krishna is there wherever his name is being chanted and everyone could perceive the sublime bliss that filled the room...

Tulsi dd and Arci dd swaying along in the vibrations

The supreme Lord and his consort in the lap of Ananda infront of the altar. The beautiful altar was decorated by Maria and Tulasi.

Here Krishna is watching himself killing demons on film :)

And before the finale we were happy to have several sparks of consciousness perform a great fireshow for Krishnas and all the others present pleasure. It was beautiful and awe-inspiring...

If you want to contact them you can find them on this website: http://eldsjal.org

And here is the finale. For sure around 108 dishes, maybe more, maybe less. Maybe less is more honest, but anyhow it was ALOT. You could find there different kinds of sambar soup, pistage-berberis-rice, chutneys, hommous, beans with chilli, panirscramble in cremefraise, tomato raita, cucumber raita, different kinds of subjis, chickpea stew, gaurangapotato gratain (OMG), nectarindressing with avocado, deepfried panirballs with spices and hazelnuts etc etc etc

Among the sweets you could find cookies, lemonfromage, gajarhalva, candied ginger halva, cakes, raspberry cream, nut-fruit balls, sweetrice, laddus, simply wonderfuls etc etc etc

Honoring the Caranamrita, the bathing water that we bathed Lord Krishna with.

Prasadam, food offered to Krishna, makes you addicted and the addcition will stay with you for many lifetimes to come :) here you see bhakta Alex in bliss.

Bernardo and Aanis in deep conversation over the prasadam...

Round 2, round 3, round 4, in the end you lost the counting...

1 comment:

  1. Vilken fest! Waah. Den där krishna får de fetaste festerna!

    (Och vi eldare är egentligen bara en samling individer som alla råkar hänga i eldsjäl, men eldsjäl självt gör inga uppträdanden och bla blabla. [disclaimer])

