To bow down means accepting something above my judgemental mind, calculative intellect and control. To bow down is an act of humility, its an act to diminish our ego infront of the absolute. It is more a state of mind than a physical act.
But bowing down without knowing why is quite senseless. Unless you need some stretching.
English: This weekend we had a wonderful visit from three prabhus (Shyam Gopal, Gopananda and Mathuranatha) of the Sri Caitanya Sanga, the family of Sripad B.V. Tripurari Maharaj. Above you see Shyam Gopal (the taller one) and Vasudeva.
Svenska: Denna helg hade vi ett underbart besök från tre gentlemän (Shyam Gopal, Gopananda och Mathuranatha) från Sri Caitanya Sanga, Sripad B.V. Tripurari Maharajas familj. Ovan ser ni Shyam Gopal (den längre) och Vasudeva.
English: Gopananda (with glasses) made a halava together with Sudarshan.
Svenska: Gopananda (med glasögon) gjorde en halava tillsammans med Sudarshan.
English: The finnish army. Mathuranatha (in the white couch) and Sudarshan after a day of hard work.
Svenska: Finska armén. Mathuranatha (i den vita soffan) och Sudarshan efter en dag av hårt arbete. .
Eng: I just wanted to mention that we at the Nimai House are not going around worrying about the swine flu. Neither are we recommending anyone to take any vaccines.
We would like you all to go vegetarian, though.
Sve: Jag tänkte bara nämna att vi på Nimaihuset inte går och oroar oss över svininfluensan. Vi rekommenderar inte heller någon att ta några vaccineringar.
Vi skulle dock vilja att ni alla blev vegetarianer. .
English: Last friday the cosy clothes shop Purple Wood moved into the Nimai House. It was celebrated with a whole day drug free party. On the picture above you see Jane (the owner of Purple Wood) fixing pricetags.
Svenska: I fredags flyttade den mysiga klädbutiken Purple Wood in på Nimaihuset. Det firades med en heldags drogfri fest. På bilden ovan ser ni Jane (ägaren till Purple Wood) fixa prislappar.
The basement became a very tastefully decorated dancefloor. First DJ: Catt.
Källaren blev ett väldigt smakfullt inrett dansgolv. Första DJ: Catt.
English: The temple room became a vegetarian refreshment room, replete with Spoonrevolution cookbooks, Oki flyers and Birth of the Spoonrevolution-booklets.
Svenska: Tempelrummet blev en vegetarisk servering, komplett med Skedrevolutionen-kokböcker, Oki-flyers och häften om Skedrevolutionens födelse.
Vasudeva and/och Sudden
Makhanchor, the plastic gloved cook / Makhanchor, den plasthandskade kocken.
The movie room / Filmsalen
The movie room, ten hours later / Filmsalen, tio timmar senare.
Second/Andra DJn: Matt with an S.
Third/Tredje DJn: Makadam.
Fourth/Fjärde DJ: Tulasi!
Fifth/Femte DJ: Alfakrull
How do you look when the ultraviolet light shines on you? Hur ser du ut när UV-ljuset lyser på dig?
Last week we made muffins and sweet apple purée and everyone were inspired and happy! Förra veckan bakade vi muffins och gjorde äpplemos och alla var inspirerade och glada!
English Tonight at 18.30 we will have our weekly vegetarian cooking course. Usually you need to notify us 1 day before by e-mail but tonight you can just drop in due to low interest. As we wrote in the short news letter we will freestyle a Dahl soup with vegetable from our own garden and bake some pears in the oven. If you wanna preserv some redbeets we will show you how.
The course cost only 80 Swedish krona in donation and includes the meal we cook. Welcome!
Svenska Ikväll vid 18.30 har vi våran vegetariska matlagningskurs. Vanligtvis behöver du anmäla dig minst 1 dag i förväg men på grund av lågt intresse så kör vi drop in i kväll. Som vi skrev i vårt nyhetsbrev kommer vi i kväll att freestyla en Dahlsoppa med grönsaker från egen odling och ugnsbaka päron. Om du vill lägga in/konservera rödbetor finns det också möjligt att göra det.
80 kr i donation kostar kalaset och måltid ingår. Välkomna!
Det kan vara klurigt att förstå hur saker hänger ihop. Denna bilden som jag hittade idag i min mammas digitala konstsamling (my pictures-mappen) visar ganska bra vår uppenbara missuppfattning om vad som är avgörande i införskaffandet av kunskap. Tanken är nästan charmig; att med desto mer avancerad utrustning, desto mer välslipade instrument och mikroskop, ska vi kunna komma att förstå vår tillvaro.
Men när vi närmar oss Bhagavad Gita rekommenderas vi att lämna ifrån oss mikroskåpet. Vi kan ju t.ex. inte närma oss en vän bara genom att med mikroskåp studera fibrerna i hans kläder, cellerna i hans kropp eller hans lingvistiska färdigheter. Vi närmar oss våra vänner genom att vara vänliga, ge en gåva, laga mat till dem och lyssna uppmärksamt till vad de har att säga istället för att bara vänta på att själv få tala. Så om vi närmar oss kunskapen i Bhagavad Gita som en levande kraft som av egen vilja kan uppenbara sig för dig vare sig du har hög IQ eller inte, då har vi all chans i världen att förstå Bhagavad Gita.
Bhajahu re mana sri nanda nandana abhaya caranaravinda re
These two lines means that a devotee of Krishna is never afraid. He knows that he is the soul and not the body. He knows that he is not the controller, but that there is a supreme controller under who's laws everyone is bound. So no amount of worldly relative strength can scare him, because he is fixed in his meditation on the absolute...
Dessa två rader betyder att en hängiven till Krishna är aldrig ängslig. Han vet att han är själen, inte kroppen. Han vet att han inte är i kontroll men att det finns en högsta kontrol under vilkens lagar alla är bundna. Så ingen mängd världslig relativ styrka kan skrämma honom för han är stadig i sin meditation på det absoluta...
"My name is Bob, I smoke dope to forget my problems And you want me to quit? I beg your pardon Ok, no hard feelings, you just lack better knowledge So excuse me as I drench my consciense" Hi Bob, yeah I want you to stop, why not Am I wrong? Drug abuse is like a ticking time bomb It is said that the higher you fly the harder you fall So right on, turn the fire in your pipe off Getting rid of difficulties is a process Introspect, detect, face and solve them No need for voluntary amnesia You can learn a lot if you bare with this preacher Trying to escape all trouble But in your way of dealing you are making it double Triple quadruple quintuple Such retarded acts are rotten fruitful
"My name is Tom, I use dope to have good time And you want me to quit? Good luck, you can try Without pills and blotters the party will die To be able to get high, that should be a human right" Hi friend, yeah I want this to come to an end Get out of your bubble and stop to pretend Don't take offense, but I said what I meant Go ahead and make your service to the world intense Hypocrite, careless but you want to be cared for Therefore apologize to those you scared off By your habit of being an asshole Sub-zero IQ, immature like a tadpole Listen up, the higher you fly the deeper you dive In ignorance and thus wasting your human life Romanticizing, speaking about kissing the sky So high you cannot even hear your mother cry
Shyamananda das - "Out the cave" (anti-drugs)
Drugs are not what your mom wants for you
Neither are drugs what your pops want for you
I'm telling, only a lot of harm it will do
listen and consider whether I speak the truth
Drugs are not what Mother Earth wants for you
Her generosity should not be abused
Don't say its natural, that's pathetic
because, then you could as well eat arsenic
Drugs are not what God wants for you
not what your well wishers wish for you
They want you to be sincere and responsible
unstoppable in overcoming any problem
Consider these factors, is it really worth it?
Go deep, deliber, don't stay on the surface
You are not a vampire, so don't shun light
Get out of the clouds and in to the sunshine!
Be strong my friend, be brave, be brave
Let's chase the dragon out the cave, out the cave
Let's slay him, cent per cent mayhem
Strangle that monster and you will be saved
Be strong my friend, be brave, be brave
Let's chase the dragon out the cave, out the cave
Let's slay him, cent per cent mayhem
Strangle that beast and you will get grace
You feel important, you have desires
You are important, you are desire
So are all of us respect that
Otherwise you're just spreading a virus
Pulled into a sphere of subtle violence
between passion and apathy, try to find a balance
I know it's a challenge, I don't say it's easy
as tricks of the mind often deceive me
But let's tread the path to find the solution
Instead of fervently grasping for excuses
I know these things, I grew up among abuse
It had me screwed up, but still there's a future
OK, you like to party, but if you can't dance without a pill, you're not so advanced
I won't step back, when there's a clash
I bring the truth to the front ready to attack
Borrow my marker, on each hand an X
A sober person only can walk a straight edge
Speaking of purity, slaughter ain't fresh
So I add to all of this, go veg and stay veg
Be strong my friend, be brave, be brave
Let's chase the dragon out the cave, out the cave
Let's slay him, cent per cent mayhem
Strangle that monster and you will be saved
Be strong my friend, be brave, be brave
Let's chase the dragon out the cave, out the cave
Let's slay him, cent per cent mayhem
Strangle that beast and you will get grace
Shyamananda das feat. Srimati - "A too great desire"
A too great desire to fulfill in a lifetime This so called existence is finite But I got hope That someone will untie these ropes
Philosophers pull their beard to draw out conclusions Trying to figure out the nature of illusion But I tell you, they are diving deeper into it Those who are their own teachers got fools for students We have to get wisdom from those who got it No amount of darkness could ever produce knowledge But even the smallest spark of purity Can be fanned and thus burn up all of the illusory Reality is hiding beyond sense perception Mental speculation and mundane reflection Despite countless attempts to catch the infinite It can't be confined behind the bars of human intellect False identification with the temporal That's what keep souls conditioned in the prison hole Feeling independent, but slaves of their senses Torturing each other with no thoughts of repentence
Just like a lightning bolt in the middle of the night Reveals a dark cloud hanging in the sky Clarification descends from transcendence Radiant, illuminating, resplendent From the source to qualified recipients And further down disciplic lineages Devoted practitioners carry the message And it might come to you when you the least expect it But if you're sick and tired of being sick then cry And let the lie of self-centeredness die By purification of the heart from all the dust Accumulated for eons but gone in a rush Chant any name of God in a humble state of mind You reach the goal when effort and grace is combined Hold on to your sincerity and pray for mercy Let the vibration take you on a metaphysical journey .
English: Our comic book hero, Arjuna, from the Nimai magazines is now featured in the music video for the song "Losing your name" by Quirio. Experience it!
Svenska: Vår seriehjälte, Arjuna, från Nimai-tidningarna medverkar nu i musikvideon för låten "Losing your name" av Quirio. Upplev den! .
English: This very conscious sign was made by our dear Sudarshan Prabhu. It says "Emergency, free your mind from sensegratifications, enjoy bhakti yoga". He wrote on a paper, put a blinking red light behind it and attached it to one of the ceiling corners of our office. The battery of the red light finished in a few days, but the paper is still there. :)
Svenska: Denna väldigt medvetandegörande skylt gjordes av vår kära Sudarshan prabhu. Den säger "Varning, befria ditt sinne från sinnesnjutningar, njut av bhakti yoga". Han skrev på ett papper, satte ett blinkande rödljus bakom och fäste den i ett av kontorets takhörn. Batteriet i rödljuset tog slut efter några dagar, men pappret sitter fortfarande kvar. :)
English: Gentle ladies and men, here we present three pieces from one of Makhan chor's latest photo sessions. It's from last friday when we were frying something called koftas. Someone interestingly called them vegetarian quenelle.
Svenska: Gentila damer och herrar, här presenterar vi tre delar ur en av Makhan chors senaste fotosessioner. Det är från i fredags när vi friterade något som kallas koftabollar. Ett intressant namn jag hörde dem kallas var vegetariska frikadeller.
English: The "Please don't eat me"-pig were with us as usual. / Svenska: "Ät mig inte"-grisen var med oss som vanligt.
English: Swami Maharaj was there to give a lecture about "The art of making others happy". We also presented our Yoga Inbound travels to India. / Svenska: Swami Maharaj var där och höll föredrag om "Konsten att glädja andra". Vi presenterade också våra Yoga Inbound-resor. .