
Monday, January 30, 2017

Christmas Tables 2016 (Pictures)

A report from the Christmas Tables for our friends, by Satyavrata Muni prabhu. As he points out at the end, not only the love and ecstacy is steadily growing but also the number of visitors. And the popularity. The bookings are coming earlier and earlier. A few days ago (January thus), last year's record (March) was broken when we received the first booking from one of our friends of friends, who wanted to be sure to get a place for him and his family at this year's coming Tables, in 11 months.


By Satyavrata Muni Das

The 2016 Christmas tables at our Swedish temple Nimaihuset were yet another success! A Christmas table is a Swedish tradition where you visit a restaurant with friends or coworkers in the middle of December and eat from a large buffet of Christmas dishes, where meat, fish and alcohol play prominent roles. We are offering a vegetarian Christmas table two times each December for our friends, for the affordable price of 150 SEK, which is roughly the price of a main course at an ordinary restaurant.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Kirtan on the roof in the Canary Islands

La Gomera, January 2017. Sweet kirtan with devotees from Europe and South America. The Canary Islands televison was filming. Gurumaharaj told our Premsita Mataji, sixty-fourteen yrs old, to join the dancers, who began following her (from 2:50).