
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Srimad Bhakti Nandan Swami Maharaj in Nimaihuset

For 2 days in February we were graced by the precious, sweet association of Srimad Bhakti Nandan Swami Maharaj. 2 days of both fully populated ecstatic evening programs and 3-on-3 happy daytime talks in the kitchen. We share with you the evening lectures here.

Free will 
(13 February 2019)
(Lecture starts at 19:35)

Overcoming envy 
(14 February 2019)

Monday, February 25, 2019

Sri Laddu Gopal has got new night caps (4)

Our dear Sri Laddu Gopal has got new clothes again. Srimati Mataji got him two new dresses when she was in India recently. The dresses are very nice, but the night caps that came with them are the big sensation this time. One purple and one white.

It's always difficult to get the right size of apparels when you don't have the person they're intended for with you, so it would be easy to draw the wrong conclusion here. Because no, the cap is not the wrong size. This is this year's high fashion among the fashionistas in the spiritual world. Big, big caps. The hippest of the hip in the highest abode of existence. Supreme Hipness. No particular colour as far as our intel goes. But purple is always right with dandies. Sri Suvasa ki jay!

Earlier posts about Sri Laddu Gopal's wardrobe: