
Sunday, May 14, 2017

The temporary temple cats (3): Izumi

Today it was time again for the Gårda flea market on our backyard, where we as usual distributed prasadam, nice vegetarian yoga-food. This means the temple temporarily moves outdoors. And if a cat then shows up and hangs out in its sphere, then that is a temporary temple cat. And new cat on the block Izumi did. A very sweet little person, 10 months old, who enjoyed hunting dust-particles in the wild, high grass. She also took some time to stop by for a chat with yours truly. Izumi (pronounced like "Ít's me") is japanese and means "Soon spring comes".

First time out on the backyard 
And the tail speaks clear language: Fun

Stopped by for a chat


The serial about the temporary temple cats


Photo by Emma Torneus
