Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Dress code toilet
Prasadam was better than ever on ekadasi
Lina melted into the Gangapuja gathering
The beauty of the himalayas
Mountain joy
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Matlagningskurs/Cooking course
Alltid på tisdagar, året runt, klockan 18.30.
Anmäl dig gärna en dag i för väg, men kom hellre spontant än inte alls!
Mycket goda resultat - Välkomna
Always on tuesdays, all year around, at 18.30.
Send us a notification one day ahead, but come spontanously rather than not coming at all!
Very tasty results - Welcome!
Anmäl dig gärna en dag i för väg, men kom hellre spontant än inte alls!
Mycket goda resultat - Välkomna
Always on tuesdays, all year around, at 18.30.
Send us a notification one day ahead, but come spontanously rather than not coming at all!
Very tasty results - Welcome!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Our Vyasa Puja evening / Vår Vyasa Puja-kväll

English: The special altar, designed and arranged by Garuda Govindaji for the Vyasa Puja evening where we gave our offerings.
Svenska: Special-altaret, designat och arrangerat av Garuda Govindaji för Vyasa Puja-kvällen där vi gav våra offringar.

Eng: The feast!
Sve: Festmåltiden!

Eng: The cook! (The prasadam was the best of the year, surpassing Janmastami)
Sve: Kocken! (Prasadamen var den bästa i år, överträffade Janmastami)
Friday, October 15, 2010
The zimmer wheel of samsara, part 1 / Samsaras rullatorhjul, del 1

English: Today starts our new article series "The zimmer wheel of samsara", written by a friend who has to remain anonymous due to the content. His alter-ego for this series will be "Geoffrey Crueger".
Part 1
"The three modes of material nature manifested in one day at home-help service."
Svenska: Idag börjar vår nya artikelserie "Samsaras rullatorhjul", skriven av en vän som måste förbli anonym pga av innehållet. Hans alter-ego för denna artikelserie kommer att vara "Geoffrey Crueger".
Del 1
"Den materiella naturens tre kvaliteter manifesterade på en och samma dag på hemtjänsten."
Sometime, somewhere in Sweden I started working for the home-help service for old people. I was to be taught and got to go together with a woman who had worked there for a long time.
Någon gång i tiden någonstans i Sverige så började jag ett jobb på hemtjänsten. Jag skulle bli upplärd och fick gå bredvid en kvinna som jobbat där länge.

Warning, angry old woman!
Eng: The first woman that we visited, she barely greeted us when we came. As soon as we got inside she started directing us and she was about to use us to the maximum degree. She had no friends and very few relatives. She was aggressive, bitter and negative.
Sve: Den första kvinnan som vi besökte hon hälsadade knappt när vi kom in. Hon började så fort vi kom innanför dörren att dirigera vad vi skulle göra och hon skulle utnyttja oss till max. Hon hade inga vänner och knappt några anhöriga. Hon var aggressiv bitter och negativ.

Eng: Later that morning we visited another old woman. She was kind and friendly. But also empty and disappointed. She told that her whole life she had invested in her enterprise. Everything was about work and career. Then when retirement came and the enterprise was sold, there was no more. She was like a living questionmark, asking the question: "What, wasn't it more than this? So, what happens now?"
Sve: Senare samma förmiddag besökte vi en annan gammal kvinna. Hon var snäll o vänlig . Men också tom och besviken. Hon berättade att hon hela sitt liv satsat på sitt företag. Och att det hela gått ut på jobb och karriär. Sedan så när pensionen kom och företaget blev sålt så blev det inte mer. Hon var som ett levande frågetecken som ställde frågan: "Vadå, blev det inte mera än såhär? Jaha vad händer nu då?"

Eng: In the afternoon that day we went to visit a lady of heart, 104 years old. She had not checked out yet. During her life this charming sweetie for a woman had been active in associations and for overall welfare. Sure, she's completely deaf but she likes to watch documentaries on TV and happily shares what she has learned and what she can distinguish. She's curious about everyone who comes to visit her. And she shares the nectar that she has reaped during the sojourn of this incarnation.
Sve: På eftermiddagen samma dag gick vi på en visit hos en hjätats dam på 104år. Hon hade inte checkat ut ännu. Under sitt liv hade denna förtjusande sötnos till kvinna varit aktiv i föreningsliv och helheternas välfärd. Visst hon är helt döv men hon gillar dokumtärer på tv o delar gärna med sig vad hon lärt sig och vad hon kan urskilja. Hon är nyfiken på alla som kommer och besöker henne. Och hon delar med sig av den nektar som hon skördat under denna inkarnations resa.

Eng: These women can to a very limited degree influence their outer circumstances now when old age is reached. They are stranded with the harvest of their lives.
They continue the relation they have had to the world into the old age and taste its fruits. One is bitter and rotten. Another is empty and tasteless while yet another is juicy and sweet of nectar.
Sve: Dessa kvinnor kan i en mycket liten grad nu när ålderdomen är nådd påverka sina yttre omständigheter. Dem är strandsatta med skörden av sina liv.
Dem fortsätter sitt förhållningsätt dem haft till världen in i ålderdomen och dem smakar dess frukter. En är bitter och föruttnad. En är tom och smaklös och En är saftig och söt av nektar.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Vykort från Indien / Postcards from India
Divine (bovine) cow protection program. 150 cows from the street has found a home in this Radha Kundha Goshala.
Arriving in the simple village Vrindavan
We did not only see wild peacocks, Lina also found a feather
Taj Mahal, the symbol of temporary love.
They were studying english but when i asked their favorite subject, they said after a while thinking "hindi".
We went for planting a tree to help the reforestation of the Vrindavan. We planted banyan, mango, pepolum, guava and neem trees.
Ancient buildings in the jungle
One out of 5 farmer brothers. They gave us the most amazing parathas with pickles and were very sweet. We got the grandmothers blessings i hope...
Simple village life in India (with the family Goddess Vrinda devi sculpted on the house) and Grandmother of the family coming with water on her head.
Jannica, Lina and Gunilla in the holy Vrindavan
Visiting mystic temple Sri Sri Radha Raman where the deity self-manifested 500 years ago, taking secret photo.
Meeting incredible persons like Paramahamsa Maharaj, the incarnation of devotion who is always absorbed in meditation, hard work service and prayer.
This snake didnt like to be around my neck and tried to strangle me. This one was tame, but we have seen two poisonous cobras by now already, one in the river Yamuna and the other on the street. The villagers are very afraid of the cobras so i guess the wild ones really do bite sometimes.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Happy birthday Gurudeva!

English: Today is Srila Gurumaharaj Paramadvaiti's 57th birthday anniversary!
Svenska: Idag är det Srila Gurumaharaj Paramadvaitis 57:nde födelsedag!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Vasudeva

Happy Birthday!
Grattis på födelsedagen!
Vasudeva got a vegetarian version of Swedish sandwich cake made of home made Spelt wheat bread, and ALOT of licorice candy. All the best to our dear Prabhu Vasudeva.
Vanca kalpa!
Vasudeva fick en vegetarisk smörgåstårta gjort på hembakat spelt/dinkelbröd, och MÅNGA sorters lakritsgodis. Allt gott till vår kära Prabhu Vasudeva.
Vanca kalpa!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Arci and Karuna-mayi
English: We have new inforcement in the Nimai team.
Svenska: Vi har fått förstärkning i Nimai-teamet.
Garuda Govinda, cutting up the welcome cake /
Garuda Govinda skär upp välkomst-tårtan
Rohini, the masseuse / Rohini, massösen
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