
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Matlagningskurs / Cooking course

Ni är alla välkomna till Nimaihuset på tisdagar, kl 18.30.
Då lär vi er att laga spännande vegetarisk mat.
Det kvittar om du är nybörjare eller proffskock, vi guidar dig genom det Vediska köket och lär dig, förhoppningsvis, nya spännande trix bland skedar och kastruller.
80 kr i donation kostar kalaset och det är bra om du anmäler dig minst 1 dag i förväg via tfn eller e-mail.

You are very welcome on tuesdays at 18.30 p.m.
... to learn to cook exciting vegetarian food.
It dose not matter if you are a beginner or a professional cooker, we guide you through the Vedic kitchen and learn you, hopefully, new exiciting tricks among spoons and pots.
The feast will only cost you 80 swedish krona in donation.
Please apply for the course 1 day in advance by telephone or by e-mail.

Now you can enjoy some nice pictures.
Have a nice day and don't forget about next tuesday.
- Makhan Chor das

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Möllevångsfestivalen in Malmö!

Eng: Tomorrow (friday) and on saturday the spoonrevolution patrol will be at Möllevångsfestivalen in Malmö, in the south of Sweden. There will be cookies, superdelicious food, propaganda material and more. We will have our base in the chillout area, where we will also perform kirtans and bhajans on stage, on saturday at 7 p.m. Come and see us there!

Webpage for the festival: (Only in swedish)
Hemsida för festivalen: http://www.mollevangsfestivalen.net/

Sve: Imorgon (fredag) och på lördag kommer skedrevolutionspatrullen befinna sig på Möllevångsfestivalen i Malmö. Där kommer finnas kakor, superläcker mat, propagandamaterial och annat. Vi kommer att ha vår bas på chillout-området i Mandelparken, där vi även kommer att uppträda med kirtans och bhajans på scen, kl. 19.00. Kom och träffa oss där!

Eng: Practicing for the saturday performance. Our camera is very good...at taking blurry pictures.

Sve: Repetition inför lördagens uppträdande. Vår kamera är mycket bra...på att ta suddiga bilder.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wagon festival! / Vagnfestival!

Eng: Last week the traveling Ratha Yatra-wagon crew came to Gothenburg. We joined up with them in the streets and sang with them.

Sve: Förra veckan besöktes Göteborg av det kringresande Ratha Yatra-vagn-crewet. Vi mötte upp med dem på stan och sjöng tillsammans med dem.

Makhanchor helped to pull the wagon, an activity which cleans away one's karma.

Makhnachor hjälpte till med att dra vagnen, en aktivitet som tvättar bort ens karma.

In the crew there is also a happy dancing dragon.

I gänget finns även en dansglad drake.

Moksha-Lakshmi by the wagon / vid vagnen

Vasudeva by the dragon / vid draken

Radha & Tulasi

Srimati and the others / och de andra

The Swami with the accordion, Sripad Maha-Vishnu Maharaj, had the coolest hat I've ever seen.

Swamin med dragspelet, Sripad Maha-Vishnu Maharaj, hade den häftigaste hatten jag någonsin sett.

Hat, frontside / Hatt, framsida

Hat, side / Hatt, sidan

Hat, backside / Hatt, baksida

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Swami B.A. Sridhar Maharaj opens for Gurumaharaj

Nimaihuset friend Swami BA Sridhar Maharaj doing the Maha Mantra in his own bluesy way, accompanied by some groovy beats, handclaps, and a choir of response-singing devotees. The best interpretation of the Nimaihuset vibe ever.

Monday, July 6, 2009

What happened the last days?

Srila Gurudeva has now left us here with all future plans for Gothenburg Nimai projects. We had a wonderful festival and I want to thank everyone that helped making this festival so nice. Many new friends and aquaintances was made. I am now longing for next year festival.

Full house in Nimaihuset when Gurudeva arrived

In thursday night we went out on a Harinam (singing in the street), we sang til midnight...

Sri Giriraj Govardhana (a manifestation of Krishna, a piece of the Govardhana mountain) (google it)

The program in Sattva, FULL house :)

Concertwas given by our friend Besad from Umeå, listen and enjoy.

The prasadam cooked by Makhanchor that was brought as a picnic to Radhakunda lake. Super!

Tilak,holy mud from the Radhakunda, the lake of divine love

Tilak being applied

Tilak applied

Gurudeva with his sharango :)

Tulasi-devi in Imlitala is very beautiful and even though Sweden is not her original surrounding she is flourishing due to MahaHaris love. Hariiibol!

Bhakta Bertil with his family got initiation and got the spiritual name Upendra. His kids got the names Kavi and Vrinda-devi...

Vrinda-devi and Kavi garlanded with imlitala flowers

Smultron is the swedish name, i dont know in english, we have them in our gardens...

Ulf, our mud-expert was leading the mud-workshop.

Making mudbricks for Mahaharis bread owen (have you ever tasted Mahaharis bread? Its superdelicious).