
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Harmony School of Conscious Art Presentation

What inspires me is to use art as a language to communicate a balanced consciousness. Right now me and Vasudeva is working on the "cArt Therapy" project. We have a cultural center in Gothenburg and we organize art workshops every Wednesday. Conscious art is to externalize our internal feelings, thoughts and desires to somehow get a clue about whats going on in our inner world. As we all can see there is a natural beauty in nature. The sunsets over the vast oceans, the gigantic mountain ranges, the beautiful birds and flowers etc etc. So, naturally we all have more or less an appreciation for the aesthetics. Therefore it is of great importance for our inspiration, in whatever we do, to decorate our, homes and public places with fine arts.
Art is more than a show of prestige. It´s a more subtle way to give something to the onlooker of your picture. Just as you visit some friend you get a glass of juice or some nice refreshment. Similarly you receive something when you look on a painting. You receive a feeling, a thought and the art even has the tremendous power to arise within you a desire which manifests in an action. As we can see in the commercial world how they are using the art in a sometimes destructive way, “The harmony school of conscious art” want to unite artists and art lovers that are using the art in a constructive way
Using the language of art to critizise the exploitation and glorify the dedication and in this way promote the ecology, beauty and harmony of life.

Fast Food Chain by Mark Henson, a fine example of conscious art.

A description of the painting by the artist:

A warped "figure 8" defines the sections of the painting. A starving skeletal figure reaps the earth.
At the center a vortex sucks in life and spews out lines of sterile products. A small boy in shopping cart points his toy gun at Mom as she shops.

Below, Mother Nature's champions, virus, bacteria, the only predator left capable of bringing balance to our overpopulation are poised for a feast. The purple spheres, "AIDS", the hotdogs are ecoli bacterium, the striped snakes are Ebola, and the green globs are amoebic dysentery. The golden balls are man-created retrovirus weapons, loosed on ourselves.

Humans look like a gourmet treat. The predators attack the closest humans, while authority figures rattle their useless weapons at the coming onslaught. Politicians, preachers, the media, the military, are all focused on the symptoms rather than the causes of the problem.

Our needless and self-evident rush to procreate and consume fill the right quadrants full of tenements with a population out of control as religious leader proclaim that man has a special privilege to destroy everything.

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